The Numbers Are In...

The 3rd annual Planet Palmerston was another great success raising over $2600 for Habitat for Humanity Toronto - but we didn't stop there!

This year over $400 was also raised for and by the Nazareth House, a supportive non-denominational community that has been providing a safe haven to women at risk and their infants for over 25 years right here on Palmerston Blvd.

Our first group to participate South of College raised awareness and collected signatures for a petition regarding the neglected green space on Palmerston just south of Woodlot and we welcomed PARA into the event, who helped with the organization and whose sale contributed both to Habitat and raised money for PARA's future causes.

Which means that overall, despite our postponement to our Sunday raindate (for a day without rain!!!) and thus a few fewer sales on the street in total, we still managed top the overall dollars raised for charity at last year's event. Well done Palmerston!!!

Thanks to all those who participated by either having a sale, helping out, donating goods and
bake sale items, collecting raffle prizes and all those who came out and shopped!

A special thanks to the following local businesses who donated prizes to our raffle: Grateful Head, The Black Hoof, Red Pegasus,
Soundscapes, Churrasqueira Do Sardinha, TVO, Set Me Free, Think Pink Spa, Pet Uno, The Communal Mule, Ella's Uncle Café, The Green Grind, Freshslice Pizza and to METRO for supporting our charity BBQ.

We look forward to seeing you next year at our 4th annual event and hopefully out on Palmerston before that!


So the forecast for tomorrow, according to the weather network, is 100% P.O.P and calling for Thunder showers in the AM so we are going to postpone to Sunday, June 12, when they are calling for sunny skies and a lovely temperature of 20°C - Hope to see you Sunday!!!